Tea In Indonesia

Tea In Indonesia

Teas which are light and offer good flavor.

Set in the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, Indonesia is a chain of islands that stretch from Malaysia to Papua New Guinea. Java and Sumatra, the two biggest islands, are where the main tea plantations are located. In the early seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company (also known as VOC by their Dutch initials) was responsible for establishing the first tea plantations on the island in the early eighteenth century. Initially they used seeds from but these did not flourish, so they have latterly used Assam bushes from India.

The crop was later introduced to Sumatra and, in recent yeas, production has started in Sulawesi Island. Until the Second World War, Indonesia black teas, along with those of India and Ceylon, dominated the European and British markets. However the war left the island’s industry devastated,and tea production was minimal until 1984 when a rehabilitation program started The establishment of the Tea Board of Indonesia has helped in the restructuring of the industry, the refurbishment of factories, the rehabilitation of plantations with superior cloned tea plants, and improvement in facilities and increased production.

In the past only black orthodox teas war produced, but the demand for quick-brewing tea-bagged teas has prompted producers to switch to CTC production,There are now 16 factories producing more than 16,534.7 tons of tea per year, most of which is exported Green tea production was introduced in 1988,and is expected to increase in the coming years because of the growing recognition of the hearth benefits of green tea consumption and a wider international interest. At present, most of the green tea is mixed with jasmine flowers and reprocessed as jasmine tea, mainly for the domestic market. It is consumed mostly as an instant beverage that is marketed in cartons and bottles.

In Java, estates account for about 33,838 acres under tea, with Sumatra and the other islands accounting for another 147,423 acres. The bushes flourish all year due to dry,clement conditions, but the best teas are gathered in July, August, and September .Production is now approximately 60 percent green and 40 percent black. Most of the back teas are sold for export through the weekly Jakarta auctions.Traditional markets have always been the U.K.,the US.,The Netherlands, Australia,The Middle East, Germany, Pakistan, Singapore, and japan, while Russia, C.I.S. countries, and Poland have recently started purchasing. Over the last 13 to 15 years, exports have climbed steadily, increasing from only 93,696.4 tons in 1984. In 1992, Indonesia exported 132,277.2 tons of tea, an estimated 12 percent of total world exports, However, in 2002 it decreased to 110,435 tons.

Indonesian teas are light and offer good flavor. Most are sold for blending tea bags or loose packaged teas, but one or two gardens now market single-source self-drinkers.

Indonesian Teas

Gunung Rosa
Characteristics Large-leafed tea that gives an excellent, bright ,light infusion with a hint of sweetness, not unlike some high-grown Ceylon teas.
Brewing hints Brew 1 teaspoon in a scant 1 cup water at 203°F. Infuse for 3 to 4 minutes.
Drinking recommendations Drink with or without milk, or perhaps with lemon. Excellent at tea time.

Characteristics Beautiful whole-leaf tea from Java with a lot of golden tips that gives a flavorful, aromatic infusion,
Brewing hints Brew I teaspoon in a scant I cup water at 203°F.Infuse for 3 to 4 minutes
Drinking recommendations A good teatime tea to drink with traditional afternoon tea foods.

Bah Butong
Characteristics A broken leaf tea from Sumatra that gives a strong infusion with body and colon.
Brewing hints Brew I teaspoon in a scant cup water at 203°F. Infuse for 3 to 4 minutes.
Drinking recommendations A breakfast tea. Drink with milk

Recommend our Japanese Teapots to brew these teas.