About the Versions

The Eight Teachings of the TAETEA System of Chadao Practice goes in two versions: a demonstration version and a learner's version The two versions are identical in spiritual connotations and Chadao philosophy. Both are guided by the motto of "love of tea and people." Berth include eight steps, namely, cleansing, opening, awakening, measuring, cultivating, experiencing, sharing, and finishing. Insofar as the process of Chadao practice is concerned, both versions aim at combining the beauty of art with enlightenment from life. What distinguishes the two is just that adjustments need to be made to suit the needs of different occasions, Generally speaking, the demonstration version is geared towards demonstration in public forums such as large-scale cultural activities or ceremonies. The purpose of such demonstration is to disseminate and promote Chadao and to display its artistic beauty. The learners' version is more for self-study and cultivation, primarily at home or private tea parties. Simple and practical, this version focuses on real-life tea-drinking experience rather than demonstration. The demonstration version can involve a larger audience, ranging from five to seven people, while the learners' version can be used both for individuals and small groups of two or three people. The demonstration version often involves complete sets of tea wares in many varieties. By contrast, the learners' version involves fewer tea wares and fewer steps.

However, there is no sharp distinction between the two versions. Under certain circumstances, the learners' version can be used for demonstration, and the demonstration version can be a very good means of self-cultivation.

This chapter introduces in detail the demonstration version, which was created by Taeteaites for the purpose of propagating and promoting Chadao through demonstration. The Eight Teachings involve 25 steps. They feature a classical style, an exquisite and elegant beauty, give a full display of the beauty of Chadao and provide tea drinkers with an utmost sense of gratification.

Depending on the main brewing tea wares employed, the demonstration version of the Eight Teachings can be further divided into the purple clay teapot version and the lidded tea bowl version. Except for one or two steps, they basically share the same procedures and steps. The demonstration version introduced in this chapter mainly involves the use of purple-clay tea wares made in Yixing, Jiangsu Province.



The table, chair, and low stand used by a Chadao master are laid out as follows:

Table (top), chair (below) and low stand (right where d tea mat and a tea set are set.


The utensils needed for demonstrating the Eight Teachings include the following: this is the 10% discount.

A purple clay teapot set with matching receptacle, a strainer set, a gongdao (fairness) cup, a tea caddy, a washing bowl, five cups for tea drinking,six saucers,a tea holder, a tea scoop, a tea spoon, a tea towel, a white towel, and a bamboo mat. All these utensils will be put on a tea mat and placed on a tea stand on the right. In addition,a stove,a clay pot set,and an electric kettle are set on the stand as well. When a bowl with lid is used as the brewing vessel, substitute the purple clay teapot for a bowl with lid and saucer, without changing the other items.

3.Tea Leaves

Take an appropriate measure of Pu'er tea, place it in the caddy, and put the caddy on the stand.


A tea master must have well-combed hair, be neatly and decently dressed,act with ease,gentleness and elegance, and look natural and spirited.


At the start of the demonstration, play some music, preferably classical Chinese music pieces such as Three Variations of Yangguan. We recommend the Eight Teachings audio produced by TAETEA Academy of Chadao.


I.Paying homage to the Sage of Tea


a) The tea master walks up at a slow and steady pace 30-40 centimeters at 1.5 seconds per step and stops at the left of the tea table.

b) Fold the palms tightly together at the chest and make a 45 degree bow to the portrait of Lu Yu.

2.Basic Requirements

Walk with ease and elegance, let the heels touch the ground before the soles and toes of the feet to avoid big noise. Spread the hands out to the sides from the abdomen,raise the arms gently from the sides, forming a natural and smooth arc of the right proportions before folding the palms together at the chest.

II. Getting seated

a) Turn gracefully and stand straight.
b) While greeting the guests, maintain a peaceful and relaxed expression.
c) Keep the back straight when making a 45-degree bow.
d) Walk gracefully, sit quietly and properly, and keep a steady gaze and a smiling face.

III. Cleaning the Hands


a) Take a white towel from the tray with the left hand and use it to wipe both sides of the right hand.
b) Shift the towel to the right hand and use it to wipe both sides of the left hand.

2.Basic Requirements

a) Take a white towel from the tray with the left hand and use it to wipe both sides of the right hand. Maintain a steady pose keep eye movements in concert with hand movements.
b) Bend thumb slightly and keep the remaining four fingers together, let the palm face up and don't let the thumb stick out point at anyone.
c) Hand-washing needs to be done in ft graceful and orderly manner, rather than randomly or haphazardly.

IV. Calming Down


a) Sit up still and straight, keep the legs together naturally, and relax.
b) Place the hands at the elixir field (around 10 cm below the with the palms up, the left hand on the right, and the two thumbs gently pressed against each other.
c) Keep the head upright and in the center, tighten the jaw and spread the shoulders slightly, without dropping the shoulders or bending the back.
d) Relax naturally, close the eyes slowly, smile a little bit, and meditate for five to seven seconds.

2.Basic Requirements

a) Maintain a dignified and upright posture when seated.
b) Properly position your hands,
c) Maintain a solemn expression, and open and close your eyes slowly and gently.


I. Placing the Tea Mat


a) Take up the mat from the tea bed and place it in the center of the tea table.
b) Stretch out the mat slowly from the middle with both hands.

2.Basic Requirements

a) Act quick but not hurried.
b) Spend between 10 and 15 seconds to stretch out the mat.

II. Laying Out the Tea Wares


a) Lift the purple-clay teapot (with receptacle) with both hands and place it in the lower middle of the mat.
b) Raise the washing bowl in both hands (containing tea-drinking cups and saucers) and place it on the upper right hand comer of the tea mat.
c) Take a stack of six saucers out of the washing bowl and place them right in the upper front of the purple clay teapot. Take a saucer in each hand, and place them in the upper left and right of the purple clay teapot respectively. Take two more of the saucers, one in each hand and place them on either side of the purple clay teapot. Take another in the right hand and place it right below the tea-washer. The five saucers shall stand around the purple clay teapot in a semicircle, with equal spacing in between.
d) Take out of the tea-washer a stack of five tea-drinking cups and stand them on the saucer in the upper front of the purple clay teapot before placing the tea-drinking cups separately on the saucers in the above-mentioned carder.
e) Place the gondao cup to the left of the purple clay teapot and the tea-drinking cup.
f) Place the strainer on the upper left hand of the gondao cup and the tea caddy on the upper left hand of the strainer, so that the three form an angle of 45 degrees.
g) Place the tea holder to the left of the gondao cup.
h) Place the tea scoop and the tea spoon on the saucer below the tea-washer.
i) Place the tea towel below the purple clay teapot

2.Basic Requirements

a) Lay out all tea wares at one go, so as to skip further adjustments.
b) The tea master shall stay upright, move his/her hands gracefully and maintain a natural, calm, and peaceful look.

III. Boiling the Water


a) Ignite the stove,put a ceramic kettle of water on it and bring it to boil.
b) If an electric kettle is used, then turn it on and bring the water in it to boil.

2.Basic Requirements

Make sure the igniting/tuming-on acts look graceful.


I. Wanning up the teapot from the exterior


a) lift the lid of the purple-clay teapot with the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger of the left hand and turn it anticlockwise m a semicircle before setting it on the saucer below the tea-washer.
b) tbe water kettle in the right hand and fill up the purple-day teapot with water (if the water kettle is heavy, hold the edge of the base of the teapot with a tea towel), Pour in a circle anticlockwise, then raise the kettle to the height of the cheeks before lowering it again. Let the water flow from a height parallel to the before lowering the water kettle And quitting.
c) Stop when the purple clay teapot is half to two thirds full.
d) Hold the water kettle to the right of the body, use the left hand to put the purple clay teapot lid on, softly fix the left forefinger and middle finger on the kettle lid to help the right hand douse the purple clay teapot anticlockwise to warm it up,

2.Basic Requirements

a) Remove the teapot lid in a gentle, graceful manner.
b) Keep the water flow smooth and steady.
e) Set the kettle down gently.

II. Wanning Up the Teacups


a) Hold the purple clay pot in the right hand and fill the tea-drinking cups with water successively from left to right Lift and lower the teapot once as each tea-drinking cup is being filled up and keep constant and steady water flow. If there is any water left in the teapot after the last cup has been filled, empty it into the tea washer. If any water remains in the kettle when all the cups are filled, pour it out into the tea washer.
b) Move with die right hand the tea-drinking cups one after another to a spot three centimeters above the tea washer, swirl each cup a full circle anticlockwise before emptying the water therein into the tea washer.

2.Basic requirements

a) Maintain constant and steady water flow as water is being poured out from the kettle.
b) Rinse the cups dexterously and gracefully and do not shake when swirling them.
e) Enpty out the cups and kettle gently, without making any splashes.


I.Using the Right Measure


a) Remove the lid of the purple clay teapot and place it on a saucer.
b) Use the left hand to move the tea holder to the tea towel at the chest.
c) Use the left hand to move the tea caddy to the chest, put it on the edge of the tea table, grab the caddy in the middle, open the lid with the right hand and put it on the tea mat.
d) Take up a tea scoop and scoop out an appropriate amount of tea leaves (better in two scoops) and put it into the tea holder.

2.Basic requirements

a) Scoop out an accurate amount of tea leaves.
b) Act gentle.

II. Appreciating the Tea Leaves


a) Hold the ends of the tea holder with either hand,slowly raise it to within 10-15 centimeters of the chest Tilt the tea holder slightly down but avoid spillover.
b) Bend slightly forward to admire the tea with confidence, steadfastness and appreciation shown in the eyes.

2.Basic requirements

a) Appreciate the tea leaves in a graceful manner.
b) Maintain proper eye contact.

III. Putting Tea Leaves in the Pot


a) Withdraw the tea holder and move it upward of the purple clay teapot spout.
b) Grab a teaspoon in the right hand and use it to scoop out the leaves gently into the purple clay teapot in three batches.
c) When done putting in the tea leaves, put away the teaspoon and the tea holder in that order.

2.Basic requirements

a) The tea injection acts need to be soft, graceful and uninterrupted.
b) Inject the right amount of tea leaves to avoid spill.


I. Nurturing the tea leaves in hot water


a) Hold the water kettle in the right hand, pour hot water into a fixed point in the purple-clay teapot (left hand may hold a tea towel against the edge of the water kettle bottom). When the teapot is filled up, cover it with the ltd and put the water kettle back where it was before.
b) Do not pour hot water directly onto the tea leaves.

2.Basic requirements

a) Keep smooth and steady water flow, and finish off with dexterity.
b) Inject water to die right spot, without directly touching the tea leaves.
c) Be soft gentle when setting down the water kettle.

II. Removing the First Brew from the Teapot


a) Move the strainer with the left hand and put it over on the gongdao cup.
b) Take the purple-clay teapot in the right hand and place it an the towel to dry up its base. Next, pour the tea broth into the gongdao cup. Let the tea stream out from a fixed point.
c) Move the teapot onto the towel again to dry up its base before putting it back on the pot receptacle.
d) Put the strainer back in its original spot.

2.Basic requirements

a) Decant all tea broth from the teapot.
b) Put the teapot back where it was.
c) Put the strainer and gongdao cup back where they were.

III. Injecting Water into the Teapot


a) lift the teapot lid with the right hand and put it on the saucer.
b) Hold the water kettle in the right hand, inject water from the kettle into the purple clay teapot by swaying the kettle from up on high before lowering it to chum the water inside the teapot Specifically, raise and lower the kettle three times repeatedly as hot water is being poured into the teapot, until the teapot is full.

2.Basic requirements

a) Maintain steady and fluent water flow.
b)Maintain appropriate water volume, speed and flow time.

IV. Removing the Foam


a) Lift teapot lid with right hand, turn it around anti-clockwise, and wipe out the froth. Make sure the tea broth does not come out through the tea spout. Lift the teapot lid with the right hand and use it to skim off the froth from the tea broth in a circular anticlockwise motion before putting the lid back on. Make sure no spill taking place at the spout.
b) Hold the gongdao cup in the left hand, move it over the teapot and pour the first brew onto the teapot in an anticlockwise circle to flush away the foam before putting the gongdao cup back where it was.

2.Bask requirements

a) Skim off the froth gently and in the right direction.
b) Make sure no tea spurts out of the spout of the teapot when the teapot lid is put back on.
c) Don't smear the tea mat when dousing the teapot with the first brew.
d) Gently set down the gongdao cup.

V. Filling up the gongdao cup


a) Place a strainer on the gongdao cup.
b) Place die purple-clay teapot on the tea towel to suck up the moisture on the bottom of the teapot.
c) Take the teapot in the right hand and fill up the gongdao cup with tea. Either pour the tea out into a fixed point in the cup or direct the flow in a full circle anticlockwise before pouring it out into a fixed point again. Avoid repeated circling.
d) Put the kettle back on the pot receptacle and the strainer back on the strainer stand.

2.Basic Requirements

a) Use the strainer correctly.
b) Be neat, consistent and graceful when pouring out the tea broth.


I. Tasting the fresh brew


a) Move with both hands the tea-drinking cup and the saucer onto the tea towel below the teapot. Pick up the gongdao cup with the left hand and fill it up with fresh-made tea broth before putting it down.
b) Hold up the drinking cup in both hands and take a sip.
c) Wear an engrossed expression when tasting the tea and convey a feeling of gratification.

2.Basie requirements

a) Hold the cup in a dignified and graceful manner.
b) Wear an engrossed and gratified look while tasting the drink.

II. Showing the cup


a) Nod and smile slightly to show that the taste is right after taking a sip.
b) Put the drinking cup back on the saucer after tasting.

2.Basic requirements

a) Stay amiable and unaffected and maintain eye contact with die guest.
b) Nod and smile modestly and appropriately.


I. Distributing the tea


a) Pour the tea from the gongdao cup evenly into each drinking cup from right to left if using the left hand to distribute or from left to right if using the right hand.
b) The tea master fills up his own drinking cup.

2.Basic requirements

a) Follow the correct order, without skipping any of the cups.
b) Distribute the tea evenly, and avoid spilling.
c) Act gentle and consistent while filling up each drinking cup.

II. Serving the tea with due respect


a) Hold up the drinking cup and saucer squarely with the thumbs, forefingers, and middle fingers of both hands, raise the arms slowly and raise the cup to the eyebrow level and bow to the guests before inviting them to drink together.
b) Slowly and properly sit up before putting the cup and saucer back on the tea towel.

2.Basic requirements

a) Form a 60 degree angle when bowing to propose a tea toast. Maintain soft and smooth movements and the right manner and proportions.
b) Maintain a sincere and devoted facial expression.

III. Sharing the tea


a) Stretch out the light arm, and move it from left to right in an are (or open bodh arms) in a gesture of invitation.
b) Scan the guests from left to right with a smile.

2.Bask requirements

a) Make aesthetically appealing hand gestures when inviting the guest to drink.
b) Snlife and lode sincere and pious.


I. Emptying the Cup and Expressing Thanks


a) Keep smiling at the guest for two seconds. Raise the cup for the last time and finish the tea inside.
b) Smile at the guest again, and put the cup and saucer back on the tea towel.

2.Basic requirements

a) Finish the tea in a graceful manner.
b) Look intently straight ahead and smile.

II. Putting the Tea Wares Away


a) Move all the tea wares on the tea mat back on the tea tray in the order of last in, first out
b) Place the tea towel on the upper left comer of the tea tray. Put the tea towel on the upper left comer of the tea bed.
c) Put the tea scoop, teaspoon, and tea holder on the lower left corner of the tea tray.
d) Move the tea canister, the strainers and the gongdao cup back onto the tea tray in consecutive order.
e) Pick up the drinking cups from both sides and pile them one by one in the center before putting them onto the tea tray.
f) Pick up the saucer behind the water bowl and place it on the one in front of the purple clay teapot, pile them up on both sides,
g) Put the saucers right below the washing bowl on top of the saucers right above the purple clay teapot before moving them onto the tea tray.
h) Take the tea washer in both hands find place it on the tea tray.
i) Put the purple clay teapot away on the tea tray together with the receptacle. Roll up the tea mat from the two sides towards the middle and place it beside the tea tray.

2.Basic requirements

a) All acts need to be nimble and coherent.
b) The order for collecting each tea ware should be clear and logical.

III. Thanking the guests


a) The tea master stands up, takes a small step back and stands firm. Fold the palms together and make a bow.
b) By making bow of gratitude, the tea master signifies the end of the demonstration.

2.Basic requirements

The tea ritual needs to be accurately performed. Maintain a pious attitude and a dignified expression.